Map of the Caribbean from “A Caribbean Journey from A to Y (Read and Discover What Happended to the Z)”

In the afterword of his book, Mario Picayo, author of A Caribbean Journey From A to Y (Read and Discover What Happended to the Z) explains what he hopes the book with help accomplish.
Picayo writes:
“As you travel in this beautiful part of the planet, and as you get to know each island nation, you come to understand at an intellectual, emotional, and spiritual level that what separates us most is not the water. Language and politics obscure our cultural and historical similarities, and create an illusory sense of distance. We know more about faraway lands ‐ England, France and the United States in particular ‐ than we know about our own neighbors, whether we speak about the islands around us, or the countries that share the Caribbean Sea with us, like Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to name some…

…This book celebrates everything that makes each island unique and special, but also
recognizes our many similarities.”

Click the map below and get to know the Caribbean a little better! How many countries can you name?

Map of the Caribbean


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