My Brain Won’t Float Away/Mi cerebro no va a salir flotando selected by Puerto Rico’s First Lady as Three Kings Day present, December 2007

Translation of the article that appeared on 12/23/07 in El Diario/La Prensa, New York.
EL DIARIO/La Prensa, Nueva York.
ENTERESE – 12/23/07
Thousands of copies will be given to children that visit La Fortaleza on January 6.
Puerto Rico’s First Lady, Luisa Gándara, has selected the bilingual book “My Brain Won’t Float Away/ Mi cerebro no va a salir flotando” published by new and upcoming New York publishing company Campanita Books (imprint of Editorial Campana) as one of the presents that she and the governor will give to children visiting La Fortaleza (official governor’s residence) on January 6th during the traditional Three Kings Day celebrations.
The book, writen by Puerto Rican author Annette Perez and illustrated by Yolanda Fundora, narrates the adventures of Annie, an eight-year-old girl, who gathers the courage to ask her mother, “Why is one of my hands smaller than the other? Why do I fall so much?” The author, who suffers from hydrocephalus since early childhood proves, with her tale, that even the simplest act can change one’s life forever.
“We are happily surprised, grateful, and filled with admiration for the First Lady and the Governor’s decision to include a children’s book that deals with a disability among the chosen few,” commented Mario Picayo, Editor In Chief of Campanita Books. Annette’s book is very valuable because it helps children and adults alike to understand not only the importance of respecting and helping children with disabilities, but to treat all individuals who might be considered “different” with respect and consideration.

Alpert is now a registered sex offender until the age of 43.


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