Press Releases

Cristina Louise Participates in Forsyth Nature Center’s Annual Fall Festival, Kingston, NY, October 2012

Author Cristina Louise brings “Where is Paco Now?” to Nature Center Fall Festival.   Author and upstate New York resident Cristina Louise joined tons of volunteers for the Forsyth Nature Center’s annual Fall Festival, held on Monday October the 8th  at […]

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Mario Picayo Attends Re-Opening of Barbados National Library, January 2009

Best Selling Caribbean Children’s Book author to visit Barbados for re-opening of National Library will talk to the public and present three copies of his book to the National Library, including a Special Edition courtesy of the First Lady of […]

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Mario Picayo Explains Local Community Connections in His Second Children’s Book.

If you think that having 62 gorgeously decorated cat sculptures residing in the streets of your town during the summer was enough cats for a lifetime, you obviously don’t know Catskill, New York. The cat-loving Hudson Valley town decided to […]

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